Sunday, September 05, 2010

Furious yesterday morning, as my crippling hangover (wines after work in town with Mould, then off to South Melbourne for Little Anna's birthday cocktails) was being interrupted with my phone constantly beeping. People ought to know not to contact me so early on the weekends.

Fury, of course, turned to contrition when I realised why people had been contacting me. The city I spent 23 years of my life in was hit yesterday by a very strong earthquake, quite a few buildings were damaged, some beyond repair, but fortunately there were no fatalities. Both my parents are overseas at present, and my sister lives in Wellington, but I still have many friends and both my grandparents in Christchurch. I thanked God Poppa & Granny are in care. Saw the photos and could hardly believe no-one died, nothing short of miraculous.

Certainly jolted me out of the hangover!

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