Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Last in a series of three: Carly's hates
- mother fucking graduates
- lawyers (Carly's job....?)
- PLATFORM 14. 'MOTHER FUCKING PLATFORM 14' at Flinders St station
- people who sweat all over gym equipment and don't clean it up
- people on public transport who have their fucking ipods turned up so loud I cant hear my thoughts. We dont need to listen to your shit R&B music
- cyclists, generally, even though Sam is one, I feel I still have the right to hate their fucking guts
- I hate people who leave their shit at rental properties and then think its someone's else responsibility to clean it up!!!
- fat people in leggings. I am looking at them and saying I can see your arse. Anyone really and I can see their arse.
- I hate cab drivers who cant speak english
- I hate fucking stupid dirty slags who fuck celebrities and then sell their stories to the newspapers and then end up on Big Brother
- I hate people who collect things. 'I collect magazines.' (Michelle) 'What? Why? Hate you.'
- And actually I hate hobbies. Hobbies? I dont have time for hobbies. I like shopping, eating and coffee. Hobbyists PISS ME OFF
- ARGGHHHHHHHHHH. I hate those fucking pandora bracelets. They are ugly and over priced and under good
- I hate people who don't drink vodka
- that little bitch who sailed around the world. What's her name? Jessica Watson. She was a little bitch. Who gives a shit? I fucking hate her. The PM welcomed her back, and I was like, are you fucking real???
- I hate jockeys, small men who have high pitched voices and date good looking women. I'm like 'you have no right to do this'
- Eddie Maguire and his greasy fucking moonface. His face looks like a fucking paper bag
- cricket, its fucking boring and what happens? They hit a ball, they run and they arent even fit!! You could be unfit and an obese fucking chain smoker and you can STILL play
- I hate those cunts and those people who have special diets, oh im allergic to....whatever. Yeah, sure you are.
- I hate women who call in sick with period pain. Take a fucking naprogesic, you dumb bitch.
- I hate people who put photos of their children on facebook as their profile picture
- I hate Angelina Jolie. I hate that bitch, I hate that husband stealing bitch.
- I hate Madonna. Look at her. She is a fucking psycho. She had that lovely husband. She is not even attractive. Sean Penn gave her a fucking slap. Can you blame her?
- Ashton and Demi. Stay away from twitter guys, I mean, dont. Also, twitter sucks
- Women who cry about everything. It's like. Get. A. Fucking. Grip. They just shit me. Harden the fuck up, eat a cup of cement, and get over it. No-one gives a shit about your problems.
- You know what I hate? People who are constantly suffering form some sort of mental illness. Today I have psychosis. Tomorrow I have depression.
- I hate those shoes that are supposed to tone you as you walk. They look shit. And I am sorry but they don't DO shit.
- I hate women who have perfect skin hair and bodies and then sit there and complain
- I hate men who hate on sex and the city. Eg Sam. It is fucking awesome, it has nudity and drugs and swearing! What more could you want?? Get over it. Just fucking watch it and enjoy it bitch. It's like the female Entourage!

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