Came home this afternoon from B&D's monster garage sale, and parked the hot rod in usual spot down by the creek. Alighted vehicle and was confronted with some music. Now, some Gen-y-ers occupy the two houses adjacent to mine, and some not so neighbourly disputes about music levels have been know to have been hurled back and forth over the fence, so it's not uncommon to hear a bit of noise disturbance near the Erk. But this music was not JT for once, it was soft and sensual and coming from the opposite direction. I walked down towards the creek where the bridge crosses over, and there was a guy underneath the bridge on his saxophone, the brick of the arches above him acting like a echo chamber.
I stayed there not long enough, listening and smiling.
I had other things to do - all my linen was needing to be hung out and I had books to read on the balcony. There's always something more important to be doing isn't there....
Living in the moment is the only resolution I have for 2012 (now the tix to Dublin have been booked.) (Finally).