It's awards season, not just out there, but in here. So here begins: Miche's fave shit, first in a series of we are not sure how many yet.
Today, the shopping awards:
The' Oooooer Missus' Smalls award
For smalls you cannot, cannot go past Bendon Factory Shop on Smith St. They stock fayreform, bendon and assorted awesomeness. The girls there are super lovely without being overbearing, and they go up to a size g, bless them. Today's bargain? 2 x DimitySo bras plus matching knickers, RRP $121, for $49. They also have shapewear and sleep wear, ranging from naughty to cute to nunlike.
The 'Sorry Edina, we don't have your size' for bitch shop girls award:
Unreservedly, La Figure in DFO. Get over yourselves, and ps, a smile won't break your face.
The 'Internet is not just good for porn' shopping award
Headed up this season by recent ebay discovery:Hibiscus and Sparrow. Good variety, nice styles, reasonably priced. Have several essentials from here and not one disappointment. Honourable mention: Ezibuy. Yup, the good old house of e has been around since I have been buying clothes, and is not bad for work purchases and the odd bargain. Fave e/b label is Grace Hill, fits the old boobs well and pieces have a classic cut.
The 'Oh bloody hell, I have a party this weekend and nothing to wear' great prices, fun dresses award:
Right, couple of frontrunners on this one. Winning by a nose is Friends of Couture. These guys have only been around since 2008, but already have a great profile in Melbourne, with shops in Fitzroy, Collingwood and Brunswick. Lovely vintage inspired bits and pieces and accessories; very 50-60s and ladylike, highly recommended. Runner up, Christopher Ari back on the hallowed turf o Bridge Road. Feminine, fun, bright. Lots of cute sweet dresses, cheap as chips. Picked up outfit for birthday for $39.95 the other week.
The 'am off to a wedding, and am not the bride this time' something special award:
On High St,Madame Farquhars of Westgarth. Little boutique with a few local designs, the girls there know their stuff and will get you to try on all sort of left field dresses that you will go 'oh! look at that! I look nice in orange' etc. Not the cheapest, but for something a bit special, this place is well worth trying.
The UGH I hate having to spend money on work clothes but at least I don't have to wear an ugly uniform' work attire award
Annoying but has to be done, and as women we dont have to blow $1000 on a suit everytime. Pop on down to the basement at Portmans Bourke St mall. Some of the jackets and skirts will be last seasons but well worth a look. Honourable mention goes to Barkins. (Smith St or DFO Spencer St. Structured work dresses and shifts galore. Things from there won't last forever, but reasonably priced anyway.
That's all for now kids. Stay tuned for food awards - The Age has got nothin on me
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