Thursday, April 01, 2010

Played small joke on Boss this morning. Serves him right for playing one on me about 6 months ago. I file these things away.

'Er, Shane just came up and told me we have to shift offices again'
'Right, had a gutsful of this then, you're all fired'
'Ok ok. Chill. April Fools'
'Yes, I knew that Michelle, well done anyway.'

I think I had him for about an nanosecond. A colleagues idea was to send him a bogus membership voucher to the Spearmint Rhino including 2 free whiskeys and a free lapdance, but I liked this idea more. Anyway I wsould give him 3 minutes until he actually strode down to King St and demanded his freebee, so probably just as well I went with the tame option.

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