Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Disappointments of my Life, by Michelle, aged 26 years, 4 months and 15 days...

1. Not getting a 'service award' in Girls' Brigade.
Aged 8, I joined Girls Brigade with a friend and we prayed and sang songs about God, which was nice. But then I was supposed to get an award, a little badge and a certificate, to reward me for a year of being in the brigade.... and I didn't get one as I didn't go to church or Sunday school. I can't say I have cared for religion since! Disappointment rating: 8/10

2. Failing 2nd year law.
19 y.o Partied too hard, drank too much, was down at the Bush or All bar One most nights and worked 24 hours a week @ Armoursuck, so I couldn't give the study of law as much time and effort as I wanted to. Failed 2 out of 3 subjects. Could have continued, but decided law was naff anyway. Disappointment rating :7/10

3. Adult Relationship
I must admit, it did rather suck to follow the man I loved around the world, only for him to dump me once I got there. The real disappointment, though, was in the fact that 6 weeks later, he was bringing back another woman to NZ and they were getting married. As Becs said at the time, "Michelle, if this wasn't so tragic for you, it would be a joke." Disappointment rating 9.5/10.

4. Bridge Number 2.
I loved the first Bridget Jones movie, and adored the Bridget Jones books, and I was Bridget. I had high hopes for the second movie. But they were dashed. WHAT WENT WRONG??????? No! The movie has few redeeming qualities apart from Colin Firth and the fight in the fountain, which was done better in the first movie. Disappointment rating: 11/10

Really must keep things in perspective, yes? V.G.

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